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Following the education reform in the DRC ( Framework Law N°14/004, February 11, 2014 ), the 6 years of primary and the first 2 years of secondary are now part of the same cycle, "basic education ". Thus, the first primary is the first year of basic education (1EB) and the second secondary is the eighth year of basic education (8EB). The first and second secondary become the Terminal Cycle of Basic Education.


In Basic Education, students will acquire skills and abilities that will be consolidated throughout the cycle:

- From 1EB to 3EB, teaching focuses on fundamental learning in the areas of language (oral and written), mathematics (measurements, sizes, geometry, etc.), discovery of the world (time , space, the living, the body and health, the environment), civic and moral education, arts (visual and musical) and sports activities.

- From 4EB to 6EB, teaching focuses on deepening knowledge in the areas of language (mastery of the language of instruction), mathematics, science and technology, history and geography , civic and moral education, arts and sport.

Transversality in learning is essential for better integration of acquired knowledge.

Particular attention is paid to Congolese culture and traditions in order to inculcate pride in one's origins early on, which is essential for self-esteem. The Lingala course is given from the first year of basic education in accordance with the Congolese national curriculum.


Teaching students to learn and develop a taste for reading is an essential part of training at Collège Dr Cécile Mboyo.  


The learning of English, which began in kindergarten, continues throughout the Basic Education cycle.

An initiation in computer science is started from the 3èEB.

Physical and sports education is essential both physically and mentally for the good balance of children.

Finally, questions on the environment and sustainable development are addressed and children are made aware throughout their course of the need to act to preserve the environment in their daily lives.


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