The Dr Cécile Mboyo College is a private school approved by the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the City Province of Kinshasa.
It falls under the category of Public Utility Establishments in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 004/2001 of July 20, 2001, relating to general provisions applicable to Associations Without Profitable Purposes (ASBL in acronym) and to Public Utility Establishments (EUP) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Dr Cécile Mboyo College provides the national education program of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The recommendations from the World Education Forum held from 19 to 22 May 2015 in Incheon, Republic of Korea (World Education Forum 2015: final report, UNESCO. Director-General, 2009-2017 (Bokova , IG). Writer of foreword) were taken into account in the development of the educational project of the Dr Cécile Mboyo College.
The certification tests are those decreed by the competent authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo.